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  • [행사] 글로벌녹색성장기구(GGGI) 행사 소개

    • 등록일
    • 조회수

글로벌녹색성장기구(GGGI)가 9월 7일 (International Day of Clean Air for blue skies) hybrid round table행사를 진행할 예정이며 환경문제에 관심이 많은 숭실대학교 faculty, 학생들을 초대합니다.


이번 행사에는 climate finance, green investment, green jobs, youth, entrepreneurs등 다방면의 전문가들이 참석할 예정이며 숭실대학교 학생들의 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.


현장참여 RSVP – https://bit.ly/3PdWjXj

온라인 ZOOM RSVP – https://bit.ly/3qR5uDE.


기타 문의사항 있으시면 장미성 교수(820-0374)에게 연락 부탁드립니다.


Together to Net Zero Round Table


September 7, 2023 (Thursday)

4:00 pm ~ 5:40 pm KST


GGGI HQ 3FL / Hybrid event

RSVP for virtual participation: https://bit.ly/3qR5uDE

RSVP for in-person participation: https://bit.ly/3PdWjXj


The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and Climate Change Center (CCC) are co-hosting a round table event on the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies to bring together research institutions, businesses, governments, and youth groups to share knowledge, and explore opportunities to combat and raise public awareness on net zero and climate crisis. This event will provide an opportunity for organizations and groups to address challenges they are facing and seek collective solutions in achieving net zero emissions by 2050.


This event is part of the Campaign for Blue Skies and Net Zero 2050 that co-hosted by GGGI and the Climate Change Center (CCC). The Campaign serves as a platform to bring businesses, civil society organizations, youth groups, and embassies together to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.


Blue Skies and Net Zero Campaign (gggi.org)



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